Friday, July 24, 2009


Uh O! I think my squash/cuke, are getting moldy. They have white/gray like spots on some.
Guess I'll quit watering in the afternoon. Even the cukes on the fence are getting the spots. I figure, the humid conditions, and watering to late in the afternoon must be causing it.
I water most everyday, but in the bare spots, and any anthills I see, as well as what the dogs leave. The Grass is looking Good, and filling in.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sun Flowers

Well, I wondered how well Sun Flowers, considering their size, would hold up in heavy winds. I found out this morning when I let the Dogs out, that one of the BIG One's was laying down on the ground, snapped off dirt level. Now I must find out what to do to be able to harvest the seeds. I guess I could put it out front and let the birds pick it clean.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

After the Storms

Well, the baby bird in photo, under the momma bird, didn't make it through the Heavy Winds. So the next day I only found the basket/nest, but no baby bird. Guess it wasn't meant to be.
The Garden is still growing. Were thinking about picking the Tomatoes while still Green. We have found a worm, so to keep them from getting into the others we will pick em.

Monday, July 13, 2009

After the Storms

We had some Heavy rains, lots and lots of Lightning. One branch of our big tree was taken out. When I went out to survey the damage, I found a survivor of the storms damage. Pix to follow. Guess I will leave the branch on the ground, and hope the momma and baby survive.

Our Garden