Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Searching for Family

I just found a Blog for Kaysville, UT. I believe the second settler in the area in mid 1800's was our Ancestor, Samuel Oliver Holmes. Searching for Ancestors seems like being a detective. Searching out the clues, when you don't have much to go by. I go so far, then I hit a brick wall! but oh well, I just keep looking.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Another cloudy day

Well the day has started with letting out the Dogs! Harley is a bit agressive with Jazz, but were hoping things will settle down, we have Jazz until June 16th. We do this for family, while they bask in the Sunshine in Hawaii!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

More GransStuff

Attended youngest Grandaughters Honor Roll Awards! Got my car washed, fixed its hubcaps. Put water out for the birds, and tried to wash away all the ant hills in my front Yard.
Listening to Burns Ernst on YouTube. he plays Guitar, and is so good! wish I could play like that!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

School Year Ending

Last night we went to Grandaughters induction into the National Jr. Honor Soc. Wed. going to youngests Honor Roll mention! Did I mention my Grandsons first 6pt.Buck, or his sisters Love of Golf? now thats a surprize!.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Yard Work

Well the county finally got here to pick up all the tree debris in the neighborhood, guess they have their hands full.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Rosemary Gone Wild

This is three separate Rosemary plants, we planted them on the south side of the house, and as you can see they spread! For many years, I tried and tried to grow Rosemary, from plants my Dad sent, and my sisters sent, even from seed. One day we bought 3 plants from the local nursery and there you have it. We harvest, and use it in our grill, and on burgers. The use of Rosemary comes from our Father, he used in BBQ. It also means rememberance, so for Mom & Dad hope you see them, and smell their fragrance as we grill each summer.

Cloudy Day

Well I thought the county was going to finally pick my tree debris, but they drove by and picked up one computer monitor my neighbor set out. (shame,shame on him) Electronics should be recycled! not put in our landfill. Well maybe he just didn't have room for two trees, he just drove by again without stopping.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Break From Rain

Finally, we got a break from the rain, maybe a day or two. Replaced the kitchen faucet yesterday, what a pain, I hate pluming. I finally got the idea to complete my hose extension that brings water closer to my garden. A washing machine hose, was just what I needed. While we were out to purchase the kitchen faucet, I found Lemon Cucumber seeds!! last year I ordered them from a garden supply, and they cost me $10, most of that was for shipping, this year finding for $1.25 was Great! So now I will plant them as well as my squash. Gutters need cleaning out now, got to come up with idea to do it from the ground instead of a ladder.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Stormy Day

I sure hope all this rain doesn't wash away my garden! One big storm just passed through. but still a threat to family south of us. Son-in-law and Grandson are Trout fishing north of us, where the storms came from, hope they missed them. More to come tonight, and chances all week.