Monday, June 29, 2009

Finally Vegies

If all the blooms on the Lemon Cucumbers, produce a Cucumber, We will have 100 or so! This makes the third time I have tried growing them, looks like third times the charm!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Bath Time for Pups

Well I finally got around to bathing at least 3 of 5 Dogs, and even got a chance to clip their nails.
Cleaned their room, vacuumed, and washed their dishes, and blanket.
It's going to be too HOT to go outside, so I will putter inside till early evening.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Here is a recent shot of part of our Garden

Catch Up

Well its been pointed out, that it has been awhile since I posted, my excuse, well i've been busy.
The Garden has begun to give vegis. Takin care of Grandkids Dog, while they bask in the sunshine in Hawaii. Sure miss them.
With 6 Dogs and 5 cats, its like a daycare. They take up a lot of time, what with feeding, watering, and supervised visits to the backyard.
Now I must clean up car, for its visit to the dealer, it blew its AC, and what with Summer and 90+ degree I must have AC!!!!